Attention condo buyers! Don't fall victim to common pitfalls. Learn from the experts and avoid making these 3 crucial mistakes that could potentially cost you time, money, and peace of mind. Stay informed, make smart decisions, and secure your dream condo with confidence.



Today we're going through the three things that you need to avoid when buying a condo in Toronto.

My name is Rochelle and I'm a local real estate agent here in Toronto and the greater Toronto area. And every day I help people just like you and you, and you, and you, and you make the move to Toronto. And so if you are thinking of moving here yourself, then give me a shout. All of my contact is down below.

You can gimme a call, shoot me a text, send me an email, or even schedule a Zoom. Call all down in the description below, and I would love to help you make that smooth move to Toronto.

At the time of this recording, it is springtime, which is the busiest time of the year for real estate. This month specifically, we've really seen the market start to heat up. We've seen the average price of a home in the greater Toronto area creep up towards the one and a half. Half million dollar mark, and we're also seeing a lot more sellers entering the market motivated by the idea of getting a few extra thousand dollars for their homes.

At the same time, we're also seeing a lot of buyers entering the market as well. Toronto is big on immigration, and so we've seen huge population growth recently. Plus consumer confidence is up with a lot of Torontonians looking to purchase a home this year.

For The biggest reason that we're seeing an increase in the demand for housing is because of extremely high rental rates in the rental market. A lot of potential buyers are seeing that the cost of renting is pretty much close to the cost of a mortgage on a condo, and so we're seeing a lot more. First time home buyers, specifically entering the housing market, specifically the condo market.

And as more and more buyers enter the condo market, we're gonna see the prices of condos go up.

That brings me to my first mistake you want to avoid, which is waiting for prices to fall before buying. The prices of condos are expected to increase as we make our way throughout the year. Right now, we're seeing a lot of competition between buyers. Bidding boards are common part of the buying process, and that's driving the prices of condos up even more.

But now that we know where Toronto prices are going, the. The next thing you wanna know is how much a Toronto condo's worth Anyways, as a general rule of thumb, Toronto condos are about a thousand dollars per square foot. The average condo in Toronto is about 700 square feet, and the average price of a condo is $700,000.

However, there are other major factors that could affect a condo's price. For example, what floor the unit is on. The higher the floor, the more expensive, if you have a view, views can be extremely valuable, especially if you have a view of Lake Ontario or the Sea Tower Location on the floor matters whether you're an interior unit or in the corner or in front of the elevator.

And of course, location of the actual building is extremely influential downtown close to the Sea Tower along the waterfront, and near Toronto's popular tourist attractions like the Distillery District and St. Lawrence Market are prime spots for some of the city's most premium condos. But one of the most important yet overlooked factors affecting a Toronto condo's price are the building's maintenance.

Fees, and this is the second thing you wanna avoid when buying a condo in Toronto is not understanding the associated condo fees. Why you pay them and what they're for. As a condo owner, not only do you own your unit, but you also own a percentage of things that you share with other unit owners in the building.

Things like the elevators. The hallways, the lobby, the gym, whatever, amenities, these are called common elements, and your condo fees go toward paying for your common elements.

So how much are condo fees? Condo fees vary across the board, but generally the older the building, the higher your condo fees. And that's because as buildings age, the roof needs replaced, the lobby needs updated, things need to be serviced, and so you need more money to cover those items. Generally, the more facilities and staff at the building has, and the higher your condo fees, because having security and concierge is really nice.

And so is having a pool, but these things don't come cheap. And the third thing that will drive up your condo prices typically are when you have a smaller building. And that just comes down to basic math because if you are dividing, say your concierge salary, Between 30 people or 60 people even as opposed to 300 people in a building, then everybody's portion of that cost goes up.

As a rule of thumb, Toronto condos are about 75 to 85 cents per square foot, and so a 700 square foot condo, for example, would be about $525.

The third thing that you wanna avoid is not properly understanding the terms of your purchase of agreement in sale, which is your official contract that you sign when you make an offer to purchase a condo. So in Ontario, a condo contract is different from a non-con contract, so it's really important to understand the differences between these.

For example, a condo contract will go into depth about parking. So when you do per. Just a condo unit, it may or may not come with parking. So if it doesn't, but you need one, then you've gotta be prepared to spend about $50,000 because that's the average price of a space downtown. If you do have parking included, you do need to confirm whether it is assigned exclusive or owned, because those all impact your ability to use it now as well as your ability to sell it in the future if you wanted to.

Another item you wanna be mindful of when purchasing a condo is the unit status certificate. So ev. Condo has a condo corporation, which is made up of unit owners in that building. And when you purchase a condo, your unit comes with its own status certificate that basically tells you the rules regarding your unit.

So for example, whether you're able to have pets, any restrictions on that, or if you're allowed to Airbnb your unit. And it also outlines the financial and legal health of your condo corporation. For example, how much money is in the reserve fund, if there are any liens on the unit or if there are any special assessments that you should be aware of.

Your lawyer will scan the status certificate to see if there are any red flags that you should be aware of, but it is really important that you are able to get your hands on this document yourself, just so that you can get all of the data that you need to make an informed decision about purchasing or putting in an offer on that condo that you're interested in.

By the way, I always help my clients get their hands on their status certificate, so give me a shout right now. If you are planning on buying your next condo here in Toronto, I would love to help you out. Also, if you are getting value out of this video. You then please don't forget to give me a thumbs up and also subscribe to the channel so that you are the first to know about all of my tips, tricks, and mistakes to avoid when purchasing or selling your next property here.

So there you have it. Those are the top three mistakes that you wanna avoid when purchasing a condo in Toronto. If you happen to be purchasing a condo outside of the city Core, then make sure to check out this video, which rhymes off all of the top areas across the greater Toronto area, but specifically a Toko Scarborough.

And North York, and it just outlines those areas in more detail so you get a better feel for what those parts of Toronto have to offer. If you liked this video, then please give me a thumbs up and also subscribe to the channel so that you don't miss out on all things Toronto. I'm talking about eating in Toronto, living in Toronto, working, sleeping, playing in Toronto.

Again, my name is Roal. I'm a local real estate agent across the greater Toronto area. And if you're looking to purchase or sell your next home here in Toronto or anywhere in the gta, then gimme a shout. All of my contact information is down below. You can gimme a call, shoot me a text, send me an email, or even schedule a Zoom.

Call all down in the description below. I would love to help you and your family make that smooth move to or outside of Toronto. Thank you guys all so much for watching. I'll catch you in the next video. Take care.



Known for its picturesque landscapes, Richmond Hill offers a mix of residential neighborhoods, lush parks, and thriving commercial areas.

The town boasts a strong sense of community and is home to a multicultural population that contributes to its rich cultural tapestry.



Richmond Hill is a vibrant town located in York region, which is directly north of the city of Toronto, once known as the rose capital of the world. Richmond Hill is now home to over 200,000 residents. It offers a diverse community, excellent schools, and a super safe, family friendly environment.

Richmond Hill has a ton of park and recreational activities. They can get the perfect place to raise a family. Or for singles, couples and retirees alike. Stick with me today as I take you through my top three pros and cons of Richmond Hill, Ontario.

What's up everybody? If this is your first time to the channel and you wanna know everything there is to know about living in Toronto, And the surrounding areas, like right here in Richmond Hill, then this is exactly where you need to be. Make sure you hit that subscribe button and you tap the bell for notifications, so you're the first to know when we drop a new video to the channel.

My name is Christina. I'm part of the living in Toronto real estate team, and every day I help people just like you and you, and you, and you, and you. Find their dream home, and I absolutely love it. So if that's you, if you're thinking about buying, selling, investing, or leasing in the near future, make sure you link up with me, all my information is down below.

Send me a message, shoot me an email, and we'll get you started on finding your next dream home. What we're gonna be doing today is focusing on your region's very own. Richmond Hill. This. Place is very near and dear to me. This is where I grew up. I know this place like the back of my hand. And if you're looking for a safe, family friendly neighborhood with lots of different parks and recreational activities, Richmond Hill is where you wanna be.

I can't say enough good things about this place. However, is it for everybody? Richmond Hill may not be. Stick with me today. We're gonna start with our top three pros and top three cons. Of Richmond Hill, Ontario.

All right, let's start by talking about real estate. My first pro of Richmond Hill is that it has a variety of different housing options. Now, the majority of types of homes here in Richmond Hill are single family detached homes. However, there are lots of other townhouses, semi-detached homes, and more recently, Lots of condo buildings going up, especially in the downtown area of Richmond Hill, just along Young Street.

Now, there are over 50,000 families in Richmond Hill, and 85% of residents here actually own the homes that they do live in. Majority of homes here have four or more bedrooms, which indicates that the size of the homes is quite large, the affluence of the area, and the fact that there are large family units living together here in Richmond Hill.

So whether you're looking for a one bedroom condo, A semi-detached, a town or a larger family, single detached home will find what you need here in Richmond Hill. The second pro of Richmond Hill is the parks and recreation. Richmond Hill has no shortage of parks and recreational facilities, which definitely makes it a wonderful place to raise a family and certainly peaks the interest of those who like to be active and outdoors.

There are a total of 13 different community centers, all which offer an array of different types of programs for teens, youth and adults alike. At Elgon West Community Center, for example, they have swimming lessons, dances, lessons, and various other programs that kind of swap in and out. Depending on the seasons, there are.

Five skating rigs in Richmond Hill as well, one which is named after our very own Elvis Doko, the Olympic figure skater. And in addition to that, there's the Richmond Hill Center for Performing Arts. Fun fact, also, if you're into astronomy, Richmond Hill houses the David Dunlap Observatory, which. Is home to Canada's largest optical telescope, which is amazing

in terms of outdoor green. Spaces. Mill Pond is a great place to go, as well as Lake Wilcox, which is surrounded by Wilcox Lake Park, 55 hectares in total, so great places to hang out outside with the family. In addition to those two places, there are tons of little parkettes peppered throughout the city.

If you are a sports fan or interested in sports programs for your children, Richmond Green is definitely the place to go. They have tons of different activities throughout the year. Overall parks, recreation, and green spaces are top-notch here in Richmond Hill. Great for families and adults alike.

The third pro of Richmond Hill is its schools. Richmond Hill is known for its highly regarded school system with many of its elementary and at secondary schools ranked top in the province and even nationally. Now, being that Richmond Hill is part of York region, the York region Catholic and public school boards, House many of the schools that are in this area, so between elementary and secondary schools, there are 51 elementary and about 12 secondary schools from those two boards.

In addition to that, though, there are other private schools, and Montessori's one such amazing school in Richmond Hill is right behind me. It's called St. Teresa of Laia. Secondary school. This school is ranked eighth overall in the province, which means it's literally one of the best high schools that students can go to in Ontario, which is absolutely amazing.

This kind of school has an AP program and it really reflects the academic rigor of schools that are in. Richmond Hill. Now other schools in the area offer French emergent programs and IB programs. If you're someone who's moving to the area, then you really are concerned with having great educational opportunities for your children.

Richmond Hill is the place to be.

All right. Let's talk about our first con of Richmond Hill, which is that it is expensive. Beauty does not come cheap here. And Richmond Hill actually has some of the highest home prices in all of Canada proving its popularity and desirability as a place to live. Nearly half of the residents here make over six figures, which also shows that it is a fairly affluent place to live.

And that affluence is certainly reflected in the prices of homes. The average price of a single family detached home of three bedrooms is 1.5 million for a two bedroom townhouse, 1.1 million, and even for a one bedroom condo, nearly $620,000. So the home prices here are quite high, and they have been rising.

Steadily over the years due to things like limited supply and high demand for home buyers. Okay, so con number two for Richmond Hill is the nightlife compared to other cities, Richmond Hill does not have much of a nightlife. It is primarily a residential place. Lots of families. So if you are looking for a lively nightlife, Richmond Hill may not be the place for you.

Now, it is worth mentioning that there are some, you know, pubs and bars, places where you can see live music, stuff like that. But overall, those places are very casual. So for people who are. Seeking, you know, nightclubs, they want to go to concerts, they want that really, really lively nightlife. Those types of people would definitely wanna be other places, primarily in a place like Toronto where all of that stuff, you know, happens on a regular basis.

And that's usually what happens. Younger people in Richmond Hill will tend to travel to Toronto to, you know, get their fix of that nightlife. Also worth mentioning for Richmond Hill though, is that there are other types of amenities and things to do, so lots of golf courses.

Hillcrest Shopping Center, as well as other types of shopping centers in the area,

and several different amazing mom and pop shops where you can go to for dinner. So there are amenities, there are things to do here, but in terms of a lively nightlife, if that's what you're looking for, Richmond Hill would not be the place for you. The third con of Richmond Hill is the public transportation system.

Compared to other places like the City of Toronto, the public transportation system here in Richmond Hill does fall short. The system that is here in Richmond Hill is the York Region Transits Y R T, which includes Viva buses. There is also a Go Train station. In Richmond Hill, however, this only includes a network of buses.

No street cars, no subway systems, so overall residents here may feel that the public transportation system does fall short. It's not very robust. If, however, you do have a car, transportation is totally fine. Richmond Hill is conveniently located to a lot of major highways. 4 0 4, 400 and the 4 0 7. 83% of the residents here actually own a car just showing how car dependent it ends, and based on the number of people that are here at the mall who drove in.

We know that a lot of residents here have and need cars. So if you don't have a car and you're depending solely on the public transportation system, you're gonna find that it's pretty difficult to get around. Alright, everybody, that is a wrap. Those are the pros and cons of Richmond Hill Ontario. I hope you now have a better idea of what this place has to offer.

So if you're someone who's looking to move, whether it's 90 days or in 90 days, whether it's Richmond Hill or anywhere else in Toronto with a gta, make sure you hit me up all of my information's down below, and I would be happy to help you make your move. As smooth as possible. In the meantime, make sure you like and subscribe to the Living in Toronto YouTube channel and make sure if you haven't already done so, you check out this video on the Burr method for real estate investing.

Thank you so much for sticking with me today. Stay safe and I hope to catch you living in Toronto really soon.
